Tuesday, June 5, 2007

This is what i'm gonna do..

I know what i'm gonna do.. Well, im gonna post a picture taken by me every day. First picture.. This is a picture taken by me in cambodia last year. I think this picture is really beautiful. The sunlight is in contrast and there are small little branches of leafs on top of the trunk and thats all the trunk has.. small little branches of leafs at the top.. drop a comment..


Unknown said...

WOOOOO! Daowei got blog... =D

dao wei said...

haha gay aint it? i cant believe it too.. i think its because i have nth to do during this holidays.. so decided to create one.. lol

Anonymous said...

yo budd! nice capture of the exposure sunlight.. ;D photoblog siott, photography rocks lah! love yaa daooo weeiiiiiii

Anonymous said...

hmmm this photograph i must say its pretty interesting.i think i see a dick HAHAHHAA...nice lighting..keep em coming!

Anonymous said...

ive gotta be honest. its a dick right? ;D

Anonymous said...

Hey the picture looks.... Well I don't really know what to say.This is a picture of a, hmm. Anyway, even you have a blog maybe I shold create one too. I wonder what is the next picture gonna be?